The current death rate is 100%. We’re all going to die unless Jesus returns before we die.
Three people die every second, 180 every minute, and nearly 11,000 every hour.
Every day more than 250,000 go either to Heaven or Hell. That’s a quarter of a million people, folks.
Two 2013/14 polls find that a substantial majority (74 percent) of U.S. adults say they believe in God, but that's down from the 82 percent who expressed such a belief in earlier years.
Belief in miracles, Heaven, and other religious teachings also declined in the latest poll, as follows:
- 72 percent believe in miracles, down from 79 percent in 2005.
- 68 percent believe in Heaven, down from 75 percent; but they disagree as to who gets in.
- 5 percent of Americans say there are many ways to Heaven. About half of Americans (53 percent) say salvation is in Christ alone.
- 68 percent believe that Jesus is God or the Son of God, down from 72 percent;
- 65 percent believes in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, down from 70 percent;
- 64 percent believe in the survival of the soul after death, down from
- 69 percent;
- 58 percent believe in the devil and hell, down from 62 percent; You have to be a horrible person to be sent to hell.
- 57 percent believe in the Virgin birth, down from 60 percent.
The same poll also found that belief in Darwin’s theory of evolution increased to 47 percent, up from 42 percent in 2005.
42% of Americans believe in ghosts (especially younger people), 36% each believe in creationism and UFOs, 29% believe in astrology, 26% believe in witches and 24% believe in reincarnation – that they were once another person.
Two-thirds (67 percent) say most people are basically good, even though everyone sins a little bit
Most Americans say people must contribute some effort toward their own salvation. Two thirds say in order to find peace with God, people have to take the first step, and then God responds to them with grace.